Hasbro Baby Alive Luv N Snuggle Brunette

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If you looking for Hasbro Baby Alive Luv N Snuggle Brunette you come right. Best Hasbro 21230 guarantee quality on sale. Choose product desirable for you.

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Asin Product: B0043WDYM2
By Brand: Hasbro

"Hasbro Baby Alive Luv N Snuggle Brunette Reviews"

"Hasbro Baby Alive Luv N Snuggle Brunette" Description

  • For ages over 6 months old and up. Approx. 8". Machine washable. Textured hair. Foot crinkles. Rattles. Finger puppets for puppet fun!

"Hasbro Baby Alive Luv N Snuggle Brunette" Overview

Hasbro Baby Alive Luv N Snuggle Brunette.